There are a multitude of free weight loss tips available. Many can be found on the internet and through diet programs. You'll find ideas on how to think about weight loss and how to do it. In fact, if you were to combine enough tips you could compile your own weight loss plan.
Here are 5 easy and free weight loss tips to get you started:
1. Be dedicated. Another way of saying this is "If you want good results you must be consistent." If you're serious about losing weight, you''l be equally serious about following your weight loss plan. You'll have goals that are challenging yet attainable. This is at the top of the charts of weight loss tips to definitely pay attention to.
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2. Don't rely on the scale. This is one of the free weight loss tips that endures a lot of debate - do you weigh yourself and how often? Even if you personally like to monitor progress with the scale, I recommend you add in the following.
If you want to know how you're doing . . . look at yourself in the mirror. Try on your "skinny clothes." Use calipers to measure your actual fat loss. Your scale will tell you how much weight you've lost. But it won't tell you whether you've lost fat or muscle, fluid or bone.
3. Don't skip meals. People losing weight would do well to heed this advice. Those who skip meals tend towards "heaviness." This is because when you starve yourself, your body automatically stores fat. A related taboo is to not follow a period of little eating with a period binging.
4. Choose your diet plan wisely. Just because your friend lost weight with a particular diet doesn't mean you will. It doesn't matter how many free tips she gives you. Different diets work for different people. Your doctor may have a good plan for you. Also the resource box at the end of this article has more tips on choosing a plan.
5. Start simple. You'll start to lose weight if you cut out some pretty obvious "treats." This doesn't mean you can't ever eat them again; just do so less frequently once you've reached your ideal weight. For example: Cut out sugared drinks, candy, cookies, or cake. Eat more fruits and vegetables. This is one of those tips that many of us know we should follow even if we don't want to hear it.
Those are 5 straight forward and easy to follow free weight loss tips. I'm cranking out more that I'll share soon in a follow-up article. Meanwhile here's a bonus tip I sure hope you follow even if it sounds like old news: Before starting any weight loss or new exercise program please visit with your health care provider. Your doctor is a key member of your support team and will probably have more free weight loss tips to share with you.
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