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Staying motivated is the reason some people lose weight and keep it off and others lose a little or nothing and just quit. A healthy diet plan or program will make sure your body is getting the nutrition needed while steadily dropping pounds. Programs make it a whole lot easier, they are step by step plans written for you. All you have to do is follow them and STAY MOTIVATED.
There are certain keys that a healthy diet program needs to have in order to be a safe and effective weight loss plan.
Here are some tips to look for in any weight loss program you are considering:
The basis of any diet will be reduced caloric intake each day. For fast weight loss you should expect the recommended allowance to be 1400 calories for men and about 1200 for ladies. You don't want to go much lower than this or your body will go in starvation mode and it will be harder to lose any weight.
The plan should include lots of fruits and vegetables. Natural ingredients are much better for your body and easier to digest. They should be high in protein in order to lose weight and cut down on fat in your meals. Protein is the healthiest calorie while on a diet. It will be used to turn fat into muscle. Reducing carbs and fat is critical to allow your body to convert fat stores to energy.
The fiber in fruits and vegetables will help your body digest food more effectively and give you lots of nutrition value.
Salt and sugar should be reduced if you want to lose weight. Our processed foods are filled with both in the manufacturing process. Replacing sugars with organic food will allow you to eat well and avoid junk food in you diet.
Drinking a lot of water is crucial in any diet. You should be drinking 8 glasses every day. Water is what we are made of and your body will always use it. Water also will keep you feeling fuller between meals and you will actually eat less at meals if you have a glass of fresh pure water before sitting down.
Avoid starving yourself, eat 5 or 6 times a day but in small amounts. Get your metabolism settled down and used to a schedule. A steady moving metabolism keeps your body burning energy all day long. This steadily burns off your fat stores. Starving turns on the bodies natural survival mode and will rapidly turn the food you do eat into fat instead of energy.
The key to losing weight will always be: How much you eat. Learning new portions and eating less is the way to get rid of your eating problems and live a healthy life. Get smaller plates:)
Exercise Tips:
To lose weight faster, you must exercise more while dieting. This is how you burn more calories than you take in daily. You have to work more to lose that extra weight and fat.
Try to get your exercise time doubled. And always keep reaching for more advance exercise or spend more time doing it daily. Your body adjusts to your exercise level, so keep increasing exercise and what kinds of exercise you do.
Walk every day for 30 minutes at least. Jogging, bicycling and swimming are great exercise and really burn calories.
Start slow and build as time goes on.
Even 3 solid workouts every week will get your body burning more calories. Try to combine aerobic and lifting exercise for more effective results. Don't get stuck on a favorite type, the more varied exercise you do the harder your body will work.
Aerobic exercise is a great body builder and calorie burner. Don't try to push yourself too hard too fast, or you could injure yourself and slow down your weight loss. You are just trying to do more than normal so you burn more calories.
It will also really help your heart and your general health to stay moving and keep regular exercise a part of your routine even after you lose the weight.
Stay enthusiastic about your new diet and exercise program. That is what will keep you going until you start seeing the results on the scale.
Steady exercise and healthy eating are the secret to safe and healthy weight loss not matter which program or plan you choose.
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