Maybe you have decided that now is the time to lose some of that extra weight you have gained. You are likely wondering what is the best way to accomplish that. There are so many types of diet and diet plans being offered. No more how you cut it, weight loss always revolves around the very basics. You must burn more calories than you take in. You should have more fibre in your diet. Exercise burns calories.
At this very moment, you are most likely to find at least 450 diet books in print. Without fail, every year weight loss centers enrol 8 million Americans in a variety of weight-loss programs. Your options can be grouped into four main categories.
weight management, diets for quick weight loss, physicians weight loss,
You may initiate a do-it-yourself program using diet books and communicate with various support groups. You may enrol in nonclinical programs that provide counsellors to teach weight loss and nutrition. Alternatively you may enrol in a clinical program, where medical professionals may suggest drugs or surgery. Or you may decide to seek consultation with a registered dietician.
The choice may be a bit difficult to make when realizing that the weight-loss industry is largely unregulated. You will find some good advice by referring to guidelines on safe and effective dieting issued by The Institute of Medicine. This recognized report is published by the National Academy of Sciences.
"The current system is chaos," says Dr. Frank, co-author of the guidelines. "None of these programs gives any information." To give dieters a basis for choosing the right program, the guidelines call on weight-loss programs to issue comprehensive data about patients' long-term weight loss, improvements in obesity-related diseases, and improved health practices.
The guideline recommendations are as follows. Select a program that satisfies your individual needs. Ask a trusted health care professional if the program appears to offer sound advice. Always monitor your health before and during weight loss efforts. Remember that programs promising results without dieting and exercise just can not work. Remember that breastfeeding women should undertake weight loss only under medical supervision. Children and patients with any chronic disease should only enter a weight loss program under medical supervision.
Now to Choosing the Right Diet
According to the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), diet refers to what a person eats or drinks in the course of a normal day. There are several name brand diets, such as the Atkins diet, the Zone diet, the South Beach diet and others. It is important to remember that a diet that limits portions to a very small size or that excludes certain foods entirely to promote weight loss may not be effective over the long term. It is much easier to maintain a diet that takes into account the foods that you like and dislike and also include combinations of foods with enough calories and nutrients for good health.
When planning your diet it is important that you consider what calorie level is appropriate for you. Is the diet that you and considering to take nutritionally balanced? Will this diet be practical and easy to follow? Will the diet be maintainable for the rest of your life? The below information will show you what to look out for in a diet.
Make sure that your diet contains all the essential nutrients for good health. Using the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts Label that is found on most processed food products can help you choose a healthful diet. The Pyramid shows you the kinds and amounts of food that you need each day for good health. The Nutrition Facts Label will help you select foods that meet your daily nutritional needs.
A healthful diet should include, the number of calories that is right for you, adequate vitamins and minerals, adequate protein, adequate fibre to promote routine bowel function, should limit the amount of cholesterol in your diet, and it should include at least 8 to 10 glasses of water or water-based beverages per day.
The different types of diets go by names such as the fixed-menu diet, exchange-type diet, pre-packaged-meal diet, formula diet, and those that could be labelled questionable diets. You should avoid any diet that suggests you eat a certain nutrient, food, or combination of foods to promote easy weight loss. Some of these diets may work in the short term because they are low in calories. However, they are often not well balanced and may cause nutrient deficiencies. So called flexible diets suggest monitoring fat only, calories only, or a combination of the two, with the individual making the choice of both the type and amount of food eaten. These flexible diets work well for many people, and teaches them how to control what they eat.
Many other issues relate to the dieting process as well such as hormone balance, grouping of food types, your glycemic index and frequency of meals and meal portions.
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